"a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols."
Beginnings The Consecration Chronicles 1945-1970 Part 1
Part 2 Chronicles 1971-1995 Chronicles 1995 - Present
The design of the lodge summons was unofficialy based on the adopted town 'badge' which
was widely used on all publications and documents by the council. A reference in the
Council minutes of the Finance Commitee for October 25th 1945 mentions an application
by J.W.Newton, on behalf of the newly consecrated Darlington Lodge, to use the Town's
'Coat Of Arms' as the Lodge badge. This application was refused, but the lodge
continued to use the badge until its own was designed by Bro.F.Bold and adopted in
April 1948.
The minutes continue to highlight the business and yearly activites of the lodge with its regular support for all Masonic Charities, the emergence of new offices such as the Assistant Secretary, its equal concern for all members and the passing of the majority of its Founders. For the record the lodge opened 225 times including the Consecration; initiated 74 candidates had 5642 visitors with a yearly average of 225, giving a monthly average of 25 visitors. Over this period the lodge enjoyed and appreciated the services of 6 Organists, 5 Secretaries, 4 D. of C's, 3 Treasurers, 3 Chaplains and 3 Tylers. Their commitment and love of Freemasonry in general gave the lodge the stability to grow and to flourish.
Beginnings The Consecration Chronicles 1945-1970 Part 1
Part 2 Chronicles 1971-1995 Chronicles 1995 - Present