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"a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols."

The Road to Enlightenment

         Beginnings   The Consecration  Chronicles 1945-1970 Part 1  
         Part 2 Chronicles 1971-1995 Chronicles 1995 - Present 

The Consecration of the lodge was recorded in the minutes as an "inspiring and memorable" occasion.

The Consecrating Officer addressed the brethren on the subject of the meeting, recalling very happy memories of a previous visit to Darlington for a Consecration Ceremony and said how delighted he was to see such a splendid attendance. There were present in addition to the Consecrating Officers and Founders, 10 Grand Lodge Officers, 45 Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, 8 Worshipful Masters, 19 Past Masters and 54 Brethren.

On the proposition of the Worshipful Master all the Consecrating Officers were elected Honorary Members of the Lodge.

At the Banquet after the Ceremony the Worshipful Master, W.Bro J.W Newton presented, on behalf of the lodge, a cheque for 20 guineas to the Consecrating Officer, R.W Bro R.W Ernest Dixon. P.G.D.; Prov. Grand Master. The gift was donated to the Ernest Dixon Scholarship Fund.

         Beginnings   The Consecration  Chronicles 1945-1970 Part 1  
         Part 2 Chronicles 1971-1995 Chronicles 1995 - Present